Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Does Snapping your fingers signify anything in the Art of Living??

One morning, sometime last week my husband woke up and asked me - "Does Snapping your fingers signify anything in the Art of Living??

At first I was lost and absent mindedly said no.. Then it dawned to me and I said - "Well yes, Living in the present moment!!, but why do you ask?"

If you have read my earlier posts you would know his response.. but for the benefit of those who haven't, he had dreamt about it!

Strange, isn't it? He has never done the course, does not know much about it, and yet he dreamt of one of the key points of the course. He dreamt that his Maths teacher from school is now and AOL teacher and is teaching them how to live in the present moment. Just the way Guruji snaps his fingers and cutely asks - "Where are you now?"

I am beginning to believe, that some day my husband is going to complete his Basic course in his dreams only.. And mind you, this also was a Thursday night (The day of the Guru)

- Jai Gurudev!


Random Reflections said...

ur husband has some amazing dreams ! what more motivation does he need to do teh course :)

Vanshika said...

I am not really worried.. Guruji has his way.. He will find a way for my husband too.. :)
-Jai Gurudev